
Finding Hope In The South African Clothing Market

Faith Clothing | Cape Town

The Launch Of A Brand Bigger Than Us

With the launch of Faith Clothing & Apparel, we wanted to inject a little bit of hope into the South African Clothing market through our brands. Brands that were cool and funky but also which reflected our Hope in Christ without being overly bible-bashy.

Overcoming Adversity

Having suffered some adversity in my life, albeit some self-inflicted, I have somehow always managed to look on the bright side. My goal is to always find the gift and strive to live to the fullest each day so that I can smile once more. Eventually, I started believing and having Faith that someone had my back and that the reasons for my continuous life filled with blessings were because either I was the luckiest guy on the planet or there was, in fact, a God that was looking out for me.

Learning Each Day

Now don’t get me wrong, I do not claim to know the mind of God nor do I claim to know much of what is said in the bible, but I’m learning a little each day. What I do know and what resonates with me strongly is the fact that Jesus is Love. God is Love. I am a sinner and no matter how hard I think that I can “qualify” for God’s Love, I cannot. That doesn’t mean I’m not good enough, it means that qualifying for God’s Love is something that simply doesn’t exist. I find solitude however in knowing that He loves me and He loves us, unconditionally, it’s that simple.

Christian Trucker Cap | Faith Clothing

Taking Stock

Let’s all take a second to take stock on our lives and find hope in the knowledge that we are never, in fact, alone. We can close our eyes and ask God to be with us. He is with us. He is in us when we kiss our children when we help someone less fortunate and when we do the next right thing. When we love instead of Hate. Let’s all love more, pray more, ask for help more, give more, be grateful more, and if we can’t forgive ourselves more, just remember that tomorrow is another day. A new day to start again.

Finding Hope

When we decided to launch our company we made a promise to ourselves; to build something far more superior than ourselves so that we may, in turn, bring hope to the South African clothing community once more.

Keep well FaithSaints.

God is Love.

Finding Hope In The South African Clothing Market

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